IT Audit

IT Audit

Your competitive advantage

In today's industry, it is all about knowing your competition. IT Technology is the key element that gives you a competitive and more productive advantage over your competitors. In doing an IT Audit, our main aim is to evaluate your current IT architecture, minimise costs that drain your cash flow and introduce technology that will give you that competitive edge your company deserves. We steer clear from archaic ways of engagement, when an IT consultant or Technical administrator makes a suggestion for improvement, however, they are not able to justify the proposition in a way that is graphical and understandable. Our IT analysis will give you an in-depth understanding of how exactly the competitive edge will be achieved as well as the amount of benefit your business will gain from the investment and the ROI (Return On Investment) you can expect by implementing the suggested changes.

Measuring the IT Payoff is commonly grouped into 3 broad categories:


  • Cost-benefit analysis: entails examining the difference between the costs incurred and the benefits obtained from the investment.
  • Categories of costs are: hardware, software, consulting, training, maintenance, customer support, licensing fees, future upgrades, interfacing with existing systems.


  • Efficiency (time)
  • Quality (reduced re-work)

Customer Value:

  • Less customer complaints
  • Increased customer loyalty
  • Long-term customer retention

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We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help.

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